Mask wearing has caused an uptick in blemishes and acne breakouts. The humid and sticky environment created by mask wearing tends to cause breakouts around the nose, mouth, and chin areas.
The main cause of mask acne is not a dirty mask, but washing your mask daily will help control bacteria that thrives in the warm, humid environment inside your mask. Flipping your pillowcase over daily and changing it every other day will also help control the transfer of bacteria.
Using your L’BRI trio twice daily along with Clarifying Clay Masque and KlearAway will reduce breakout severity. DO NOT PICK AT THE BLEMISHES. Picking at the blemishes will cause the transfer of the bacteria to other areas of your face.
Use either Aloe Jelly or Oil-Free Moisture Lotion on your face after washing to rehydrate your skin and create a barrier to prevent chafing.